Jaime to Present Podcasting Workshops for The Connecticut School of Broadcasting

Join Jaime for this Two-Part Podcast Workshop Series

101: Basic Podcasting Concepts | 102: Business of Podcasting

Podcasting 101 on Saturday, 1/18:

Introductory Workshop with our Podcasting expert, Jaime Legagneur!

Join in as one of the top podcasters in our State introduces attendees to basic podcasting concepts. In our Podcasting 101 workshop, Jaime Legagneur of Flint Stone Media will dive into the details of launching and producing a podcast. Through her years of extensive podcast production, Jaime has developed a proven method of a successful podcast launch, and you will take her crash course to learn it all, including show development, equipment options, episode distribution, common pitfalls, and more!

Come with a pen, because this workshop will be interactive.

Podcasting 102 on Saturday, 1/25:

Part 2 of our Introductory Workshop with our Podcasting expert, Jaime Legagneur!

Join in as one of the top podcasters in our State continues her presentation of basic podcasting concepts. In our Podcasting 102 workshop, Jaime Legagneur of Flint Stone Media will dive into the business side of podcasting. In growing a successful podcast production house and supporting multiple networks, Jaime has learned the practice of a successful podcast business, including growing your audience, gaining sponsorships, and thinking outside the box to take your show to the next level. You’ll learn it all, AND you’ll have the opportunity to practice long-form interview skills!

Come with a pen, because this workshop will be interactive!

101 on 1/18 | 102 on 1/25


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