Our founder, Jaime (“Jemmy”) Legagneur, is THRILLED to head to Podcast Movement 2017, where she will be honored to help kick off the conference as one of their IGNITE speakers!! And, she’s been asked to be one of only FOUR people to submit an article for inclusion in their conference program. Also, Jaime will be volunteering behind-the-scenes, just so she can be even more in the middle of everything–haha.
So, if you are headed to Podcast Movement, follow Jaime virtually as @FlintStoneMedia. Then, track her down and say “hi.” She is beyond excited to meet everyone there and will be so eager to share her conference experience upon her return.
Here’s wishing her great luck at this signature podcasting event!!
(Click for a quick rewind to when Jaime was included in Podcast Movement’s newsletter!)