When building a business on a shoestring budget, you have to get VERY creative in how you gain everything you need for your business to grow–everything from general business advice you can’t yet afford to pay for through getting your hands on tools and equipment. I’ll start by giving some guidance on how you can evaluate YOUR business to determine what to try to cross off, first. Then, you and I are going to dive into my three pillars of cutting corners. And, I’ll finish off the episode giving you a few more general quick tips on surviving your broke days. Listen in and let’s do this…!
BITB Episode 7: The Brokest Days of Your Life2021-01-252023-05-16https://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fsm-logo-202010-2with-tagline-square.pngFlint Stone Mediahttps://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/bitb-episode-art-7.jpg200px200px