I’m going to talk about the reality of what you’re diving into in building a self-funded business on a shoestring budget. All of that time you are dedicating toward your passion project is time that you COULD be using to do other, regular life things–like sleeping, shopping, relaxing, or whatever. I’ll share creative ways to multitask and help you define priorities. Then, I’ll dive into how to handle those sticky situations where you have to disappoint people, because you can’t be in two places at once. And, I’ll discuss what to do with that big old bag of guilt. Listen in and let’s do this…!
BITB Episode 6: I Can’t Come Hang… I Have to Update My Website2021-01-182023-05-16https://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fsm-logo-202010-2with-tagline-square.pngFlint Stone Mediahttps://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/bitb-episode-art-6.jpg200px200px