Join Producer Jaime and Hear Her Speak at Podfest Expo 2024!

Join Producer Jaime for the TENTH annual installment of the Podfest Multimedia Expo in Orlando!!

This year’s Podfest Multimedia Expo takes place from January 25–28 in Orlando, and Producer Jaime has been asked to speak on an expert panel once again! As part of Friday’s programming, she will lend her insights to their panel, Outsourcing Strategies: Why You Shouldn’t Podcast Alone (details below). And, she can’t wait to see all her podcasting peeps, share the stage with friends new and old, and help other podcasters grow!!

Not only was Producer Jaime the co-host of the official Podfest Podcast, but she was also previously named as a member of Podfest’s elite Board of Ambassadors and the recipient of their High Achiever Award in 2020. And, this year’s Podfest has her sharing the stage with other incredible panelists you don’t want to miss. So, get your tickets today, catch her sessions, and then find her in the halls to say “Hello” and/or be interviewed by her!

Producer Jaime’s Session:

Friday, Jan 26th, 10:55-11:35am

Panel Title: Outsourcing Strategies: Why You Shouldn’t Podcast Alone

Location: Palms – Expo 1

Description: Feeling overwhelmed by all that goes into creating your podcast? Experienced podcast service providers will help you understand the array of services available to help you lighten your workload. They’ll provide tips on identifying when and what to offload, finding the right team for your needs, communicating effectively, creating systems, and more!

How to identify which parts of your podcast to outsource
How to identify a service provide that is a good match for you
What you can do to prepare yourself to be ready for a service provider
Which portions of podcast workflow can be handled by a trusted partner

Panelists: Darrell Darnell | Jaime Legagneur | Gabriella Valdez | Daniel Rameros

PLUS, Producer will be conductin in-promptu interviews in the halls. So, catch her for YOUR chance to be interviewed:

Are you building your brand through the power of podcasting? I’d love to hear about it for Podcasting Your Brand!
Are you a mom who’s taking her motherhood skills and superpowers and applying them to other successes? Then, I’d love my Power Moms Podcast listeners to get to know you!
And, finally, I’m also recording microcontent for an upcoming project, and you can be a part of that as well. So, be sure to catch me!!

Headed to Podfest? Prep and Get the Most Out of the Conference:

#PME24 #Podfest2024

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