Proudly Black-Owned

Resources | Information | Education

I am proud to have launched this page on Juneteenth, 2020!

Owning and building a business as not only a woman, but a BLACK woman, in a society whose power structures and systems are otherwise oriented is an accomplishment that is not just my own. It belongs to the legacy of all the black and Haitian-American generations who came before me. And, in this moment of renewed pride, I’m dedicated to helping all people better understand and appreciate the strength of that legacy and the glory of that pride.

And to fully understand how far we have come, we need to know our history, because people who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it, as they say. The scarred history of black people in this country is being repeated on us everyday. So, it’s time for us all to better examine and understand the connection of our country’s current events to our past. What IS that history? Scroll on, because we still have so far to go…

My Personal Thoughts from June 6th, 2020:

I’m going to talk to you a bit about being black, and it’s going to be uncomfortable. The fact that the subject of being black is even an uncomfortable topic is the EXACT reason why you need to listen. It’s the exact reason why I need to talk. So, yes, this is going to be uncomfortable. And, that is the point. Listen in…

Personal Experiences | The Talk | Police Brutality | BLM

  • Please listen to this podcast by my friend Jaime Legagneur and follow the helpful links she lists. It's so important.

    Heidi Rabinowitz Book of Life Podcast
  • You need to listen to Jaime Legagneur's latest episode. There is pain in her words. Her tears are real. This is her reality and the realities of many POCs. I am beyond grateful to her for sharing her story.

    Dave Lee
  • Thank you for this. I needed to know. I want to know.

    Mystic Michaela
  • I cried throughout the episode. I am grateful to her for sharing a part of her story. Please check out the podcast and let's all do the homework that [she] assigns us and watch 13th.

  • Listen to the words of a friend of mine, explaining what it is like being black in America.

  • To my white friends, I implore you to take the time to listen to this podcast from my dear friend Jaime Legagneur. If you think you get it. You don't. The only way we will understand each other is to really listen.

  • I listened to your message enlightening me & so many others, I am sure. I watched 13th. Wow. I cried. Please take care of yourself and your Baby Boy. BLM.

    Michele DLR
  • Thank you for sharing and educating. We are working through, discussing along the way. There will be much discussion to come!

  • Thanks for your courage in deeply sharing your vulnerability and reality.

  • Wow Jaime, I'm moved, I'm affected, I'm blown away. Thank you for sharing your deepest vulnerability.

  • I am profoundly impacted by your honest and painful stories. Thank you for being vulnerable with all of us and sharing your truths.

  • Thank you for this episode Jaime Legagneur. Take a listen. So much heart.

    Katie Krienitz Krimitsos

Actions to Affect Change:

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0 +
Years of
American Slave
0 +
Years of
Jim Crow
0 +
Years of
Failed Equality

A Special Note on
Haitian Heritage and Pride

“The Haitian Revolution has often been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. Slaves initiated the rebellion in 1791 and by 1803 they had succeeded in ending not just slavery but French control over the colony.”

That’s right… Haitian slaves freed themselves!! Learn more…




Start here…

13th on Netflix
13th on Netflix

A Documentary

Systemic Racism Explained
Systemic Racism Explained

A Video

Anti-Racism Exercise
Anti-Racism Exercise

First Aired on Oprah in 1992

Seeing White
Seeing White

A Podcast Series

Just<br />

Based on a True Story


Based on a True History

More Food for Thought…

13th on Netflixa documentary | Watch on YouTube

Black Facts – on this day in black history…

Black History in Two Minutesbite sizes that are very satisfying

Confederate Monumentshow the US got so many

Doll Testan experiment on the effects of racism on children

Haitian Revolutiona history

History of Slavery in the United Statesa timeline from National Geographic

History of Slaveryfrom NYT Magazine’s 1619 Project

Jane Elliott’s “Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes” Anti-Racism Exercise – originally aired on The Oprah Winfrey Show, 1992

Jim Crow Lawsa history

Juneteetha celebration of freedom

Police Brutality – A Decade Of Watching Black People Die, presented by NPR

Seeing Whitea podcast series

Systemic Racism Explaineda video

BlackPasta reference center

Blk Pod Collectivea community of black podcasters | Jaime’s Episode of Their Podcast (Monetization)

Caribbean American Podcastersa collection from Carry On Friends

Explaining White Privilegean opinion piece

Good Black Newsa website

Just Mercybased on a true story

Michael Chestand up comedy clip on Black Lives Matter

Rootsbased on a true history

Strange Fruita song by Billie Holiday

The Talka Tiktok Video from Cameron Welch

Treal Toonzartistic expression of modern Haitian-American culture

Organizations to Support

ACLUdaring to create a more perfect union

NAACPsecuring our equal rights

WOC Podcastersconnecting women of color podcasters


…Grow Here

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