Proudly Black-Owned
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Owning and building a business as not only a woman, but a BLACK woman, in a society whose power structures and systems are otherwise oriented is an accomplishment that is not just my own. It belongs to the legacy of all the black and Haitian-American generations who came before me. And, in this moment of renewed pride, I’m dedicated to helping all people better understand and appreciate the strength of that legacy and the glory of that pride.
And to fully understand how far we have come, we need to know our history, because people who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it, as they say. The scarred history of black people in this country is being repeated on us everyday. So, it’s time for us all to better examine and understand the connection of our country’s current events to our past. What IS that history? Scroll on, because we still have so far to go…
My Personal Thoughts from June 6th, 2020:
I’m going to talk to you a bit about being black, and it’s going to be uncomfortable. The fact that the subject of being black is even an uncomfortable topic is the EXACT reason why you need to listen. It’s the exact reason why I need to talk. So, yes, this is going to be uncomfortable. And, that is the point. Listen in…
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American Slave
Jim Crow
Failed Equality