I’m your host, Jaime Legagneur, and throughout this show, I want to find out all about YOU and what business you have going on in YOUR bedroom and create a real solid think tank for you on this crazy journey that so many of us are going through. So, for today, we are starting off this show by Defining your Why. And, this is my favorite piece of advice to share, because it can apply not only to just whatever you are doing as a business, but to literally EVERY choice you make that requires effort–losing weight, raising a kid, playing a sport, applying for scholarships, whatever… This lesson applies to everything. So, it’s a great place for you and I to start. Listen in and let’s do this…!
BITB Episode 1: Defining Your Why2021-01-042023-05-16https://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fsm-logo-202010-2with-tagline-square.pngFlint Stone Mediahttps://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/bitb-episode-art-1.jpg200px200px