“The Ups and Downs of Local Podcasting,” Jaime Featured on PodcastGuyMedia.com!

“…recording everything from the background noises like the wind blowing and the birds chirping to knowledgeable discussions with diverse personalities…” – Jaime and Glenn featured in PodcastGuyMedia.com

Jaime and Glenn have been featured in PodcastGuyMedia.com‘s post, 605: The Ups and Downs of Local Podcasting! Where they discuss the “ups and downs” of growing a podcasting network with the Podcast Guy himself!

PodcastGuyMedia.com was formed in January 2016 by Joshua Rivers. Until 2017, he did everything in the business alone. He has since added two audio editors and also outsources the production of various podcast show notes.

Here’s an excerpt from the post on PodcastGuyMedia.com

What helped their network establish itself dynamically were their tireless efforts to support it while developing valuable and productive relationships with the local organizations and businesses. Both Glenn and Jaime have valuable advice to offer to other shows, and they have highlighted and emphasized the importance of relationship building as well as exposure to the community in making a podcast popular.”

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