“Live Streaming & Digital Media: 160 Predictions for 2020,” Jaime Featured on LiveStreamUniverse.com!

People are getting into podcasting now less because they geek out about podcasting itself, and more because it’s a great platform for their content and exposure.” – Jaime featured in LiveStreamUniverse.com

Producer Jaime has been featured in LiveStreamUniverse.com‘s post, 160 Predictions for Live Streaming and Digital Media in 2020! Where 160 Digital Media Personalities make their 2020 predictions LiveStreaming, Podcasting, and more! Livestream Universe is an online company that consults with brands, organizations and educational institutions; using the power of live video to grow revenue and engage in real-time conversations with customers and constituents.

Here’s an excerpt from the post on LiveStreamUniverse.com

“The geeky “Generation 1” podcasters are the ones who have lead the way to grow the industry and are now building businesses that support the space and the entry of the “Generation 2” podcasters. The “Generation 2” podcasters coming into the space more recently are more concerned purely with the content creation piece of the process and are leaning on the “Generation 1” podcasters for the technical and show development expertise. “

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