“This conference is the largest in-person gathering of women podcasters, audio content creators, story tellers, and more!”
Producer Jaime, representing Flint Stone Media, has been invited to appear as a guest for the She Podcasts LIVE 2021 Conference hosted at the Scottsdale Plaza Hotel!
Session details:
Date: Friday, 10/15
Time: 12:00 – 12:50 p.m.
Title: Showcasing Your Sizzle To Sell Your Brand
Track: Achieve
Whether you are promoting your show to potential new sponsors, high-profile guests, or other partnership opportunities, you need to showcase your sizzle! I’ll cover the essentials of both putting together an impressive media kit and stitching together a sizzle reel that shines. Then, I’ll give some quick tips on how to highlight your best strengths in your introductory email and pitch to lead you to successfully hit that target. Plus, I’ll encourage you toward reprogramming any resistance you have toward self-promotion. You’ll learn how to let the world know the big deal you truly are!
1. Silencing the resistance to self-promotion
2. Media kit mastery
3. Stitching together the perfect sizzle reel
4. Pitching your strengths to match THEIR needs