Congratulations, Ventura Fire Foundation!
The kitchen table is the heart of the firehouse. It’s where those who are “Always Ready” bond over shared war stories of a career in the fire department and its impact on their everyday lives, including their families and both their physical and mental health. On Firehouse Roundtable, we’ll bring you those stories, so you can be a fly on the wall around the firehouse kitchen table. Your hosts Capts. Peter McKenzie (retired) and Jason Kay (active) lead these conversations exploring all aspects of that decision to become one of the “Always Ready.” They will invite other active and retired firefighters, supporters, and experts to join as their guests. So, whether you are considering a career in fire service, have fire stories of your own, or support a firefighter who does, grab a cup of coffee and join us at the Firehouse Roundtable, brought to you by the Ventura Fire Foundation!
Stories from the Firehouse Kitchen Table
Firehouse Roundtable is LIVE!
Firehouse Roundtable is Peter’s second show with us, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be trusted to work with him again!
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