Owwll Founder Jason Hill and Producer Jaime will share in the holiday spirit of gift-giving with 5 great tips from some of our guests from 2022 pulled for you, including impactful thoughts from Charles Bender, Andrea Ocampo, Steve Edwards, Carlton Washington, Deniz Duygulu, and Daniel Mock. So, let’s jump right into it to connect, learn, and grow. Listen in… Hoot hoot!
Owwll Episode 11: Hoot Hoot… It’s the Holidays!!2022-12-302022-12-29https://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fsm-logo-202010-2with-tagline-square.pngFlint Stone Mediahttps://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/owwll-podcast-episode-art-11.jpg200px200px