A New Podcast Network Connects Florida Businesses and Podcasters with Innovative Opportunities to Create Content


A New Podcast Network Connects Florida Businesses and Podcasters with Innovative Opportunities to Create Content

Florida Podcast NetworkBoynton Beach, FL – August 16, 2017 – Florida businesses can now profitably break into the podcasting space, and Florida’s independent podcasters reap the benefits of increased discoverability with a new Network.

Florida has quickly become a hotbed for podcasting (on-demand radio shows), and a new network–the Florida Podcast Network–has launched this month “with the vision of propelling Florida’s prosperity forward through the power of podcasting,” says founder, Jaime (“Jemmy”) Legagneur of Flint Stone Media.

Businesses Breaking Into the Game

Legagneur envisions creating an easy path for local brands to use podcasting to increase exposure without a huge production commitment. The revenue potential for podcasting a brand is very strong, with the 2017 Edison Research Podcast Consumer Study showing that 45% of those who listen to podcasts have an annual household income of at least $75,000. And, for businesses that do not want to take the leap of starting their own show, they can advertise on the Network and target a dedicated niche Floridian market on episodes with enduring access.

Either way, businesses can benefit significantly. Podcasts are a perfect consumption option for Floridians, who can passively consume them while on their rush hour commutes, working, running errands, and enjoying Florida’s great outdoors.

Growing Local Hotbed

As the craft of podcasting has grown in popularity worldwide, local MeetUp groups for the independent podcaster, such as the Florida Podcaster’s Association in Tampa, the Palm Beach Podcasters in Boynton Beach, and Podcast South Florida in Ft. Lauderdale, have grown to include hundreds of members. Florida locals, Chris Krimitsos and Niel Guilarte, produced the first major documentary film about podcasters, The Messengers Documentary, which has been flirting with the top spot for pre-orders in iTunes these past weeks.

Over 67 million people download podcasts on a regular basis, according to the Edison Study, and Legagneur believes the platform’s potential is just beginning to be tapped: “People are falling in love with listening to podcasts for two main reasons: 1) the shows are on-demand; and, 2) they can be consumed passively. So, people can enjoy them whenever they want, and there’s such diversity in the shows that are available these days.”

Florida Podcast Directory's Pin Map

Connecting the Independent Podcasters

With hundreds of podcasts originating from our State, supporting and increasing the discoverability of these independently-produced shows through organic cross-promotion is the Network’s other key goal. There is a directory of Florida podcasts on the Network’s home page, allowing visitors to use its pin map to discover shows right in their own backyard.

Additionally, the Network’s site provides space showcasing Florida-based podcasting MeetUps, events, and other industry-related news, with the goal to make it a one-stop landing place for all things podcasting in Florida. Legagneur hosts and produces two podcasts herself: Curve the Cube and Eggheads After Hours; so, she is no stranger to the space. “Venturing into the world of podcasting has changed my life, both personally and professionally.”

Since the Edison Study also showed that 69% of podcast consumers used a smartphone, tablet, or other portable device, Legagneur has a mobile app planned for the Network in the near future.

For more information, please visit FloridaPodcastNetwork.com.


Contact Info:
Jaime Legagneur, Flint Stone Media, LLC
Organization: Florida Podcast Network
PO Box 3275
Boynton Beach, FL 33424
Phone: (561) 425-2260

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