POST UDPATE: You can now watch IPD’s official feed video of Jaime’s broadcast!
Our founder, Jaime (“Jemmy”) Legagneur, was HONORED to be asked to be a speaker for International Podcast Day’s Facebook Live and website live broadcast!! She will be hosting IPD’s one-hour time slot beginning at 10am EST. Here are the details:
September 30th, 10am EST
on and Facebook!!
on and Facebook!!
Florida’s Growing Podcasting Scene
From networks to MeetUp groups and with hundreds of podcasters cracking the mic, Florida has one of the strongest podcasting scenes in the US, and it’s only getting stronger. Florida is the base for industry personalities such as Chris Krimitsos, the man behind Podfest and The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary–which is a film celebrating the independent podcaster as told through the voices of podcasters themselves. Podcaster and Florida Podcast Network founder, Jaime (“Jemmy”) Legagneur, will examine the growth of the Florida podcasting scene and where the future will take it, inviting key figureheads in the space as guests.
Special Guests:
Broadcast Schedule:
10:00 – 10:05: Jaime’s introduction to the growth of Florida’s podcast scene10:05 – 10:15: Danny Pena (the potential of podcasting)10:15 – 10:25: De’Nicea Hilton (the power of podcasting)10:25 – 10:35: Jeanette & Alex from Planted in Miami (their experience podcasting independently)10:30 – close: Glenn Hebert (independent podcasting and network growth in Florida)10:35 – 10:50: Chris Krimitsos (the podcasting community)10:50 – close: Jaime & Glenn close out the broadcast