Join Producer Jaime and Hear Her Speak at Podfest Expo 2023!

Join Producer Jaime for another annual installment of the Podfest Multimedia Expo in Orlando!!

This year’s Podfest takes place earlier than usual this year–January 26–29 in Orlando. So, get your tickets today, catch her sessions, and then find her in the halls to say “Hello.” Producer Jaime has been asked to speak on two panels as part of Friday’s programming: The Power of Independent Podcast Networks and Growing Your Podcast with The Power of Social Audio (details below). And, she almost can’t contain her excitement!! Not only is Producer Jaime the co-host of the official Podfest Podcast, but she has also recently been named as a member of Podfest’s elite Board of Ambassadors. And, this year’s Podfest has her sharing the stage with other incredible panelists you don’t want to miss. So, get your tickets today!!

Producer Jaime’s Sessions:

Friday, Jan 27th, 10:00-10:40am

Panel Title: The Power of Independent Podcast Networks

Location: PENINSULA 2

Description: There’s strength in numbers. Now more than ever, independent podcasters are in need of community, distribution, monetization, brand strategy, production and sales support — in order to break out from the crowd. With over 2 million podcasts clamoring for audience, there’s never been a better time for podcasters to harness the power of independent podcast networks. David Allen Moss, Chief Creative Officer of Evergreen Podcasts is joined by Evergreen’s SVP of Content, Gerardo Orlando and Jaime Legagneur of the Florida Podcast Network. The three will host a lively panel discussion set to explore how podcast networks continue to grow and thrive through channel and product diversification in an ever-evolving industry.


David Allen Moss

Jaime Legagneur

Friday, Jan 27th, 1:15-1:45pm

Panel Title: Growing Your Podcast with The Power of Social Audio


Description: When Clubhouse first started, people were asking if it would replace podcasts.  The answer?  Absolutely not! But social audio can certainly help grow your audience – and make deeper connections with the people who might be interested in your podcast’s topic. We’ll discuss what social audio is, how it can be used to enhance your podcast outreach, and some best practices for using it to your advantage.


Jodi Krangle (Moderator)

Marc Ronick

Luis Camejo

Jaime Legagneur

Also, I’m honored to be selected as a member of the Podfest Board of Ambassadors! As a board member, I can provide you direct access to the resources you need to expand, monetize, and grow your brand. Head to with the code Legagneur10 to register for the Podfest Expo event January 26-29th, 2023 in Orlando, Florida.

This way I’ll be notified that you’re attending and will set aside time to connect. Feel free to share this with your community as well! ~ Producer Jaime

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