On the Power Moms path, you often have to be ready to learn what you need to learn, in order to do what you need to do to achieve your success. On today’s episode, I am joined by Michelle Hayward and Shannon Murphy–the founders of an innovative list and shopping app called Cartdrop. They teamed up to create a new app that provided a life solution not only for themselves, but also for OTHER super busy moms. But, to do that, they had to venture into new territory; and, that makes them Power Moms!! Let’s hear from Michelle and Shannon, as you think about what new expertise your Power Mom path may need you to develop. Listen in…
PM Episode 3: Manifesting Your Destiny on a New Path, with Michelle and Shannon from Cartdrop2023-07-052023-07-04https://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fsm-logo-202010-2with-tagline-square.pngFlint Stone Mediahttps://flintstonemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/power-moms-episode-art-03.jpg200px200px