Celebrating 8 Years in Podcasting

Producer Jaime First Launched Flint Stone Media 8 Years Ago TODAY!

Eight years ago today, I had a dream. I was in my cubicle celebrating my 15th year as a data analyst and DESPERATE to break free. After discovering my talent for promotional work, I took my first big step toward the actualization of that dream and planted the Flint Stone Media flag. As you’ll see below in the timeline, it has been an INCREDIBLE ride that has opened all kinds of doors, allowed me to experience both personal and professional growth in a way I never could have imagined or predicted, and given me not only my voice, but also my wings.

However, the Flint Stone Media dream quickly expanded beyond myself. Not only is the spirit of FSM rooted in making our clients‘ dreams come true, but the company’s growth has allowed me to grow an amazing team who is seeing some of their own dreams unfold through FSM, too. And, I could NOT have done a BIT of this without them. (For my 2020 personal reflection on my journey that includes a TON of amazing photos, click here.)

And last year, I added a new layer onto this journey: podcast coaching! For all these years, I have provided podcast consulting to my production clients at any time they’ve needed to reach out. And, I’ve looked for opportunities for them along the way,  as well. I had previously been the original podcast instructor for the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, teaching podcasting to students completely new to podcasting and broadcasting.

But, joining Clubhouse during the pandemic and continuing to provide value to all kinds of people both entering podcasting and looking to grow an existing show. So, I ultimately put together Producer Jaime’s Coaching Program!! And then, toward the end of this past year for FSM, I came up with one more idea to help podcasters of all means start off on the right foot…

Year 1 (2014 - 2015)

June 2014: Founded Flint Stone Media LLC

October 2014: Launched my own first podcast, Curve the Cube

Year 2 (2015 - 2016)

February 2016: Became the Organizer of the Palm Beach Podcasters

Year 3 (2016 - 2017)

September 2016: Launched Eggheads After Hours Podcast with cohosts Joseph Russo, Kate Volman, and Aaron Wormus

February 2017: Attended my first Podfest! | Won my first podcasting award–the “In Yo Face” award from the women of She Podcasts

March 2017: Included in Podcast Movement’s Celebration of Women’s History Month

Year 4 (2017 - 2018)

June 2017: As my first presentation on podcasting, I was invited to speak to the Mystery Writers of America | I also found myself on the other side of the microphone for the first time–being interviewed about podcasting.

July 2017: Founded Florida Podcast Network

August 2017: Attended my first Podcast Movement conference | My Origin Story was Featured in Their Program | I got to be an IGNITE speaker!

September 2017: Joined the Horse Radio Network as their New Production Coordinator

September 2017: Included as a Speaker for International Podcast Day, I spoke about Florida’s growing podcasting scene

November 2017: Launched the Finding Florida Podcast with Glenn the Geek

November 2017: Featured in VoyageMIA Magazine

February 2018: Attended my second Podfest and Presented Launching & Growing a Geo-Local Podcast!

Year 5 (2018 - 2019)

November 2018: Invited as a guest on the Shrimp Tank, Boca Raton

December 2018: Presented Podcasting to an MBA class at Florida Atlantic University

January 2019: Promoted to the Production Manager for Horse Radio Network

February 2019: Began producing my first show (People of Palm Beach) for a celebrity – local news anchor, Suzanne Boyd

February 2019: Launched the Florida Podcasting News show, also cohosted by Glenn the Geek

March 2019: Attended my 3rd Podfest–this time as an Ambassador, Key Note Speaker, and Panelist! And, received some amazing voice art as a gift.

March 2019: Attended my first Hispanic Radio Conference | Joined the “Podcasting for Radio Dummies” Panel

May 2019: Began producing for pop culture celebrity, Mystic Michaela

June 2019: Presented my origin Story and Tips to the Connecticut School of Broadcasting (invitation from Podcast Hall-of-Famer, Danny Pena)

June 2019: Became the Podcast Network Director for The Wedding Biz Network

Year 6 (2019 - 2020)

August 2019: Partnered with the Fish Florida Association for podcast services fulfillment

August 2019: Hired my first two new team members–Jorge and Charles!!

August 2019: Client, Mystic Michaela’s, podcast, Know Your Aura, featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine!

August 2019: Became a Founding Member of the International Podcast Association

August 2019: Became the first EVER podcasting instructor for the Connecticut School of Broadcasting

September 2019: Invited to be a Speaker for International Podcast Day Again!!

October 2019: Present a Podcasting Workshop at the Women’s Empowerment Expo in Fort Lauderdale

October 2019: Launched the People of Florida podcast

November 2019: Invited as a guest on Biz Women Rock, a podcast by Katie Krimitsos

November 2019: Featured in The Palm Beach Post – both in the digital AND print editions!!

December 2019: Prediction for 2020 included on LiveStreamUniverse.com

December 2019: Invited as a guest on PodcastGuyMedia.com

January 2020: Invited to present a podcasting workshop at the Grand Opening of Her Power Space

January 2020: Attended my 4th Podfest and was a Panel Speaker at the Podcast Editors Conference | Recipient of the 2020 Podfest High Achiever Award

February 2020: Resurrects FSM’s original digital marketing services for its podcasting clients

February 2020: Added several new, HIGHLY talented members to the team (including my dad!) and focusing on growing the independent client portfolio

February 2020: Penned a personal A Personal Note of Reflection, including a TON of pics from my podcasting journey

April 2020: Client, Mystic Michaela, graduates to the Wave Podcast Network!

May 2020: Finding Florida Podcast Featured on Travel Weekly

May 2020: Guest Hosted on Blk Pod Collective: The Podcast!

Year 7 (2020 - 2021)

Year 8 (2021 - 2022)

June 2021: Producer Jaime is Invited onto Horses in the Morning to Celebrate FSM’s 7th Anniversary!

June 2021: Jaime Interviewed on The Marketing Checklist Podcast!

July 2021: Producer Jaime is Invited to the “Share Your Pod” Summit!

August 2021: Producer Jaime will be speaking at the She Podcasts LIVE 2021 Conference!

September 2021: Producer Jaime to Team Up with Glenn the Geek to Co-host the Official Podfest Podcast!

October 2021: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on the “Coffee With Kerry” Podcast

November 2021: Producer Jaime Asked to Key Note Address for the School District of Palm Beach County’s Entrepreneur Day

December 2021: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on “The Fittest Fat Kid You Know” Podcast!

December 2021: Cat Corchado Welcomes Producer Jaime Legagneur to Live, Love, Laugh (and Zombies?) on Sisters in Service

January 2022: TASCAM Features Producer Jaime in Their Latest Press Release!

Febuary 2022: Producer Jaime Becomes a Brand Ambassador for the Owwll App

March 2022: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on the “WinHers” Podcast!

March 2022: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on “The Late Bloomer Living” Podcast!

March 2022: Producer Jaime Invited to Revisit The Shrimp Tank for a Live Shrimp Bite!

April 2022: Producer Jaime Invited as a Guest on the “Creating Daily” Podcast!

April 2022: Florida Beer Podcast Wins a Gold Crushie from the Craft Beer Marketing Awards!

May 2022: Producer Jaime Speaks at Podfest Expo 2022!

June 2022: Producer Jaime and Mark Savant Interview Top Local Entrepreneurs at Owwll’s Launch Party Business Shower!

Celebrating 8 Years in Podcasting
Celebrating 8 Years in Podcasting

Honorable Mention (guest hosted episode 4):


Year 9 (2022 - 2023)

July 2022: Producer Jaime to Emcee PodPros Q3 Virtual Podcasting Event

August 2022: Producer Jaime and Jorge Congratulate Horses in the Morning on hitting 3,000 episodes!

August 2022: Producer Jaime Featured in Podcast Magazine’s “40 Over 40 in Podcasting” List for 2022

October 2022: Producer Jaime to Emcee PodPros Q4 Virtual Podcasting Event

when we
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This last year, I transitioned my solo show, Business in the Bedroom, to be more laser-focused on the kind of questions people were loving to ask me and that I was truly enjoying: podcast questions! So, Business in the Bedroom became Podcasting Your Brand! And, the performance of that show and connection I have made with audiences through it has been an amazing ride!

And, in so many other ways, this past year hasn’t disappointed in the SLIGHTEST. I became a Brand Ambassador for my friend, Jason Hill’s, amazing new app called Owwll, where you can have private, on-demand, 1:1 calls with experts of all sorts. And, as an expert, you can monetize your expertise–just what so many podcasters are trying to do anyway! And, I have now started two other new shows. I have such fun co-hosts on those shows, and they represent major brands that I’ve been very proud to partner with: Podfest Podcast and Owwll Podcast (coming soon!).

Here’s to this next year of Flint Stone Media and Florida Podcast Network being FULL of prosperity for all involved. And, thank you again to my AMAZING team!!

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